When people say there is no place in the world quite like Puerto Rico, it’s not hyperbole…
Start with some Caribbean island life and all that implies (sun, surf, soft trade winds), add a dollop of laid-back Latin American culture, throw in a generous helping of U.S. mainland-style amenities and, finally, some truly remarkable tax advantages at the moment, and you have Puerto Rico. The Enchanted Isle.
If island life calls you, then Puerto Rico is worth considering as much as any other tropical island. Making the move to Puerto Rico is, in many ways, far easier than making a move to Belize or Nicaragua. Anyone who has ever fantasized of living in the tropics but been leery of tearing themselves away from the amenities of the mainland United States would do well to consider Puerto Rico before some of the more exotic locales. The hassle factor in Puerto Rico is much lower than in those places, and language barriers will be much less of an issue.
For paradise-seekers who have enough resources to live solely on dividends and capital gains, Puerto Rico is a no-brainer. No other locale in the world is as friendly for those who want to spend their hard-earned money themselves… instead of handing much of it over to state and federal governments.
Now is the time to consider Puerto Rico. The local property market has been in a slump for nearly 10 years, and prices are nearly 50% below their 2006 highs. And, since 2012, Puerto Rico has been courting mainlanders with a series of tax breaks that make it one of the most attractive tax havens on the planet for U.S. citizens. If the idea of paying zero taxes on dividends and capital gains is appealing, Puerto Rico is worth giving some serious thought.