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You risk nothing when you agree to take a look at The Overseas Living Letter today. Here’s why…

Guarantee No. 1: This Living-intelligence service is guaranteed to be the most straight-shooting, tell-it-like-it-is, get-there-first report available about the best-value communities on the planet. Sugar-coated Paradise-pushing doesn’t do you any favors. So I don’t do it. No place is perfect. And I won’t tell you it is. But I’ve been at this for 22 years. And I will give you an honest, measured, educated assessment of each destination we feature. So you can decide if it’s right for you.

Guarantee No. 2: I’ll bring to you a splendid array of options all around the world. Beachfront retreats… cool-weather mountain hideaways… charming European enclaves… laid-back Latin American havens… vineyard sanctuaries… and more. But if you don’t feel The Overseas Living Letter delivers the kind of make-your-nest-egg-last-forever opportunities you’re looking for, you can cancel at any time… and I’ll promptly reimburse you for any issues remaining in your subscription. No questions asked.

Guarantee No. 3: Should you decide the opportunities you learn about in The Overseas Living Letter aren’t for you, all the SPECIAL REPORTS are yours to keep. Our way of saying thank you for giving The Overseas Living Letter a try.

That’s how certain we are that you’ll love it. You can’t lose. And all the risk is ours.