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Kathleen Peddicord
Publisher, Live and Invest Overseas

kathie-picFor more than 22 years, Kathleen was Editor and Publisher of International Living. In 2007, she decided to take a break, during which she did two things.

First, Kathleen began work to launch a new publishing group, Live and Invest Overseas, and a new free e-letter service, the Overseas Opportunity Letter.

In addition, during her recent sabbatical, Kathleen and her husband, Lief Simon, made an important geographic decision. Specifically, they decided to make a third international move with their family and Kathleen’s new business…this time to Panama City. At the time of this writing, they are scouting apartment and office rentals in the Panama capital and considering education options in that city for their 8-year-old son.

Frankly, Kathleen is better qualified to cover the Live and Invest Overseas beat than anyone we’ve met in all these years of wandering the globe. She has been researching, writing, speaking, and presenting on these topics for well over two decades. She has moved children, staff, enterprises, household goods, and pets from the East Coast of the United States first to Waterford, Ireland…then, four years ago, to Paris, France…and, as you read this, to Panama City.

Kathleen has traveled to more than 50 countries, invested in real estate in 17, established businesses in 7, and renovated properties in 6. She has written innumerable books, reports, and essays on why and how you might want to do the same…and she has appeared often at conferences and on television and radio detailing the opportunities for living, retiring, and investing around the world.

Kathleen writes currently to readers of the Overseas Opportunity Letter each week. If you aren’t already a reader, become one here now.